Tuesday 23 January 2018

Identifying Our “Purpose”

Instagram: @thehealinghub_

Most of us believe that there is a purpose to our life. Though, we cannot always clearly see it... We want our lives to matter and want to live our purpose intentionally. The search for meaning in life is basic to all of us. We are often forced to examine it, when some crises devastate us. We are face conditions of suffering like an illness, a divorce, a loss of a job, or death of a loved one. We take life for granted till the triggering events shakes us and often wakes us up from our slumber. We are faced with the big question – “What is the purpose of my life?”  “What am I meant to do on earth?”
Crises are catalysts for finding the purpose of our life! The purpose is all about-aligning our energies around our true priorities.
Goals are not purpose as they are about doing or achieving some ego- driven activities.  Purpose is not a job, nor role, nor a goal. It is our belief that our life truly matters. It is about who we are and about what our gifts and energies are!
Our natural talents are our gifts for 3 reasons- firstly, they came with us; Secondly, they are gifts to others too when we share them.  Thirdly, we achieve something when we share them.
Everyone’s purpose is unique and powerful. There are several opportunities virtually everywhere for us to align our lives with our gifts. The gifts that we express naturally and enjoy giving have with us without further study or pursuit, are the gifts that are for your higher purpose.  They have the power to server as  your calling!
Many people find themselves in an “Existential vacuum” searching for their purpose. Many feel starved for want of alignment in their lives.  Life is a cradle to grave journey. Purpose is essential to fulfil the vacuum. Life is a continuous set of questions to be answered and lessons to be learned. We grow through phases of progressive awakenings that involve- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual calling.
Most of the effective people know how to focus on their daily activities, while keeping their aim on a larger story- the way they want to live their lives. The story we tell ourselves, gets us focusing the time and energies around it. It helps us to re-orient and re-assess our lives to bring out the purpose in life.

Purpose calls us to live our values. The values we choose to centre our lives around. The way we, orient ourselves towards life.  When we are faced with devastating situations, a purpose may actually be found or strengthened. We may learn who we really are. The suffering triggers the events that force us to re-assess our purpose of life as the basic sense of self gets disrupted. So, we are re-awakened to see our life closely. If our purpose is strong all the areas of our life starts getting affected. We begin to eliminate what is now irrelevant and de-clutter life. People and places who do not serve the purpose are left behind and ties break. A process of simplification takes place and we achieve clarity about ourselves and our lives. We don’t need to pretend who we are not.

Monday 4 January 2016

For introspection

"If we exchange one rupee, we will both have one rupee. If we exchange one good thought, we will both have two good thoughts." -Swami Vivekananda

Reiki Level (1+2)

Awaken your inner healing light...  Facilitate your own healing evolution.
Combined Reiki level (1+2) :
To find out details, contact: Monika Kathuria (holistichealingzonechd@gmail.com)
To register, fill this FORM

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Power Of Our Sub Conscious Mind Over Our Conscious Mind

When it comes to sheer neurological processing abilities, the subconscious mind is million times more powerful than conscious mind.
If the desires of conscious mind conflict with the programs of the subconscious mind, which mind do you think will win out?
You can repeat the positive affirmation any number of times. However, if as a child, you have heard over and over that you are worthless, those messages programmed in your subconscious mind will undermine your best conscious efforts to change your life. Conscious is actually 2 to 10 percent of your awareness. Sub Conscious takes up 90 to 98 percent of the mind and directs fifty trillion cells. It filters and records information, experience, feelings. It reacts to the environment so you can adapt and survive.
 By Bruce Lipton, Biology of Belief.

Great changes can be achieved by bridging the gap between the sub conscious and the conscious minds. Illness, disease, pain and stress are symptoms. They are the gifts from the sub conscious mind- they are necessary to awaken you to the power of transformation. Experience is the only way to truly understand how the power of your mind is able to unleash the pure potential you already possess for healing, wholeness and peace......

Love and Light to all...

Saturday 22 September 2012

Era of Spiritual Renaissance - My Personal Experiences

The present era is the era of mass transformation....
An era where the science & mysticism meet. 
It is an age where old values & fanatic believes are being replaced by rational thought processes.
This phenomenon is a global change taking place not confined to any one country or any one religion. The soul's journey to live in harmony is the driving force behind this global transformation.
Each one of us is on our journey and the transformation of consciousness is the fuel for self-realization & self discovery. The search of God is not through endeavours in the outside physical world but through inside and the deep journey inwards.
I am in habit of sitting in meditation every evening. Most of my mystic experiences surface during or after my meditation sessions. Since past three days while I sit- I hear an echo - "OM..."  I thought it was my imagination playing. I checked with my family after my session if anyone was playing a CD of "Om Jaap". The next day this humming continued. I interrupter my session and called out to my daughter to see if she could hear it as well. She could'nt. Suddenly I was reminded of the time when I was 12 years old - Every evening at 6 O'clock I would awake after my afternoon nap hearing soft flute. No one in the family would hear it. But I would hear it at the same time every day for years.... Then it stopped.
I am reminded again of my Past Life Regression session where I happened to see a Life Between Lives as a non physical entity. The experience was awesome ! The ecstasy was remarkable with soft music playing.... Even as I experienced the non-physical, I could experience - as with the five senses - May be Beyond the senses... I still delight in the memories.
There is definitely more to the world than these senses can comprehend. By listening to the  silence within we can communicate with the super-consciousness. I will guide us when we need the guidance.

Sunday 2 September 2012

Camphor Lamp - Wonder Device

Negativity on the Reverse side of camphor lamp

Residue is burned negativity

Saturday 16 June 2012


Reiki, for a beautiful life !
I use reiki to lead my life in a beautiful way. It is the best way from all the ones I know. It always leads me to a way that is good  best for me. Do you agree?