Saturday, 22 September 2012

Era of Spiritual Renaissance - My Personal Experiences

The present era is the era of mass transformation....
An era where the science & mysticism meet. 
It is an age where old values & fanatic believes are being replaced by rational thought processes.
This phenomenon is a global change taking place not confined to any one country or any one religion. The soul's journey to live in harmony is the driving force behind this global transformation.
Each one of us is on our journey and the transformation of consciousness is the fuel for self-realization & self discovery. The search of God is not through endeavours in the outside physical world but through inside and the deep journey inwards.
I am in habit of sitting in meditation every evening. Most of my mystic experiences surface during or after my meditation sessions. Since past three days while I sit- I hear an echo - "OM..."  I thought it was my imagination playing. I checked with my family after my session if anyone was playing a CD of "Om Jaap". The next day this humming continued. I interrupter my session and called out to my daughter to see if she could hear it as well. She could'nt. Suddenly I was reminded of the time when I was 12 years old - Every evening at 6 O'clock I would awake after my afternoon nap hearing soft flute. No one in the family would hear it. But I would hear it at the same time every day for years.... Then it stopped.
I am reminded again of my Past Life Regression session where I happened to see a Life Between Lives as a non physical entity. The experience was awesome ! The ecstasy was remarkable with soft music playing.... Even as I experienced the non-physical, I could experience - as with the five senses - May be Beyond the senses... I still delight in the memories.
There is definitely more to the world than these senses can comprehend. By listening to the  silence within we can communicate with the super-consciousness. I will guide us when we need the guidance.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Camphor Lamp - Wonder Device

Negativity on the Reverse side of camphor lamp

Residue is burned negativity

Saturday, 16 June 2012


Reiki, for a beautiful life !
I use reiki to lead my life in a beautiful way. It is the best way from all the ones I know. It always leads me to a way that is good  best for me. Do you agree?

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Negativity Removing Lamp

 Negativity Burning in form of Black Particles in the Lamp. 
This Photo has been clicked by the client using it.

Camphor/Fragrance Diffuser
Negativity Remover

This lamp is a powerful device. It purifies the atmosphere by removing all types of negative energies present in it due to tension, depression, vaastu defects, black magic, planetary effects and also the harmful radiations emitted by T.V., Computer, microwave oven, Mobiles etc. The lamp also cleanses the air of the disease-causing germs & improves its odour.

How to Use : Put water in the dish and put a piece of camphor or few drops of pure essential oil. Light a candle or lamp (jyoti) below it.
The lamp will continuously burn for 5-6 hours and absorb all the negative energy in the environment, thereby making it pure, clean & full of energy. All the negative energy gets accumulated in the form of a beehive like structure under the camphor bowl. The formation of this beehive depends upon the amount of negative energy in the environment. Therefore, as the atmosphere begins to become clean & pure, the blackened beehive also does not form as quickly as before. With accumulation of negative energy, the odour of camphor also reduces significantly, which later returns naturally with the cleansing of the surrounding. This is also proves the fact that black beehive does not form due to combustion of camphor, as one may supposedly think!
In addition to camphor, you can also use any other kind of perfume or fragrance oil to desire the pleasure of a clean & pure environment. The special design of this lamp attracts all the negative energy & burns it off leaving absolutely clean, pure & healthy environment.
This device is absolutely essential for homes, offices, factories & healing centers.

Contact - Holistic Healing Zone Chandigarh

Restoring The Mind-Body Balance

Many people are under the impression that the focus of spirituality is only on the mind and the soul, and the physical body is neglected. But that’s not true. Our physical body is essential to our life and the art of living. It is our vehicle and our home. An appropriate balance of dietsleeprelaxation and exercise is important for the body. However, when we enter the world of spirituality, the main emphasis is on the mind and the soul. This does not mean that we do not value or take care of our body. Without a healthy body, we would not be able to express ourselves mentally or spiritually. Spiritual progress, which includes the listening/studying and imbibing of spiritual knowledge, the practice of meditation, the inculcation of divine virtues and the spiritual service of others through different means is much easier and better with a healthy body.

Unfortunately, though, we have lost the art or wisdom of balance and for very long we have placed too much emphasis on our physical form, the body; and less emphasis on our spiritual form, the soul, as a result, reducing our spiritual awareness. One of the aims of spirituality is to restore this balance between mind and body so that we can experience well-being and happiness at every level. So while our body and our physical energy are essential, the focus of spirituality is on the mind and the soul, to help regain the balance.